Tuesday, January 23, 2007

shit! and a jolly and smelly one! read it!

... then, shall we go for a short ride which you will be testing and tasting the shape of things to come, so that you will know your money’s worth and now that you know it, you will instantly be allowed by yourself to trespass on my territory of dear self and in that self you will stare everywhere, scrutinize my very fibres of being and touching here and there, dissatisfied, running around if there is anything in here and when you find that nothing what will you say, eh? that this young man or old child is just fooling around and his wee bit worries are none of your business and oh these days, these days they are letting everyone to write a blog full of shit that no matter what patience you show them, and no matter how many chances you give them to give you something back to stay with you during the day and especially, night, when you lie down to your bed and fart happily and say that this Passacaglia dude wrote some real shit today but I can’t really recall it, and, sorrily, that does not change the fact that it is still shit and shit stinks ...

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