Sunday, June 13, 2010

great trout

great trout wakes up early in the morning water shine and then stretches her oily back
and luscious body for the new floating ahead

is she hungry?

great trout when sometimes swims along the sea
sometimes seeing the backbone of an old boat just to be reminded of her own grave and--

great trout dismisses these thoughts and continues along the serene waters of her creek
and my creek she says to herself is what i made it to be and it is mine
great trout hums
mine now and mine
my creek is mine
though nothing but a ravine
my creek is mine

as the great trout moves her flaps, pleased with herself for the rhymes she found
she remembers the cat that tried to catch her by that coast of small warm stones

great trout laughs!
that cat was a cat alright
like i am a proud trout in my own right
he tried
and i fled
now when he fucks his lover in the dark of a wartime alley
he will remember me, how he couldn't catch me, and then his futility will make
him to fuck his lover harder, till their meows reach across the battered skies
annoying some stupid fireflies along the way, way ahead and up above as they become a twinkle in my sorry eyes

am i hungry?

shrugs great trout shrugs
as she makes way for a frantic flotilla of teefish swimming
ah the kids the trout muses
a joy to eat a joy to beat
for the ones up up above and for the ones down down below

great trout laughering thinks, her thoughts in disarray with a sudden wave,
i sure be a crazy bitch at times
but still i knows of my response abilities towards the say, towards the say
say the water say the world
and great trout tightens her back and bone and tightens her mind
dives deep and reaches the water's calm feet under
which is another reminder of how the great trout started the day

with a stretch
with a thought
desperately trying to avoid the impending feeling that this maybe her last day
as she reaches for a piece of bread hanging afloat.

we are hungry.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010