Monday, December 29, 2008

Reader, Digest(s), and

When I cannot find anything else to read
I turn my eyes to my self and look there:
To find sentences in pieces;
Like broken furniture not looked after,
Words misplaced hesitating to follow each other –
Unarrived exclamation marks, unwanted dashes
Commas, all in the wrong places,

Halfhearted paragraphs vainly demanding
For a great ending!
For this boy, (who wants to do the right thing
Learned from the books his friends told him to read,
Unable to find a correspondence with his sentences and theirs,
afraid of the ones he wrote,
afraid to write his own ones,
looking to read something else,
not knowing whether to turn a page –
Whether full or blank,)

Continue(s) to read.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


listen to me, people:

I like you best when
your heads look different
ways: to the sky; to your
lover; to the ground.

and I do not like it when
I cannot see your pupils
standing their own ground.

and it does not matter to me
if you want to rest
for the rest
of your lives.

I will be here.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

song for a good child, sung by a bad one

sometime someone will come,
take my hand and hum
with me and my mouth,
love me until south.

hum, hum,


hum, hum, hum,

we will be very happy
we will hum very nice
we will act very good
we will live very just.


when someone-and-I's time comes
floating on our looney tunes
together we will go far away
passing the candy clouds on the way...

hum, hum, hum,

cursing the frauds down below,
eating godmade marshmallow.

hum, hum,

i hope...


Sunday, November 9, 2008


is what your eyes
make you to see
the different things
through the atoms
of miniscule people!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

incredible shoes

incredible shoes allow you to take a step
without any help from a friend
and they grab your feet with
the passion of a lover

incredible shoes pour up their
red soul to your tiny toes
then up through your legs, happily
and yes, stop, you cannot!

incredible shoes will think of
you as much as you think
of them; if not, prepare
yourself for their wrath

because they will gladly tramp on you
as they danced along merrily with you.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

what i'd like

i'd like to kick you in the stomach,
and shake your hand immediately after;

i'd like to caress your cheek fondly,
then slap the other one with the back of my hand;

i'd like to kiss you, hard,
and, yes, kill you, soft.

Sunday, September 28, 2008


Once, there was
An original there.
The very first one.
Someone in the beginnings
Of the humanstory,
One homo sapiens understood:
Something or someone or someplace
Was not here,
But there.

Abstractly she reasoned,
Conceived the concept and gave birth to the word,
And uttered it: THERE!

Hear? The first there in human history:
Maybe to a first sighting of the sea...

Monday, September 22, 2008

written to wake up a spider / in no particular order

wake up, little spider

open your thousand I'z
flex your corrupted joints
crick, crack, test!

wake up, little spider

your ex-lover is looking up on you
to bring rotten meat
which you'll together eat with zest

good morning, little spider

stretch --
on your wiiiiiiiiiiiide web;
spin dreams for few,
nightmares for the rest.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

the previous life of fich-molte

he he he
okay, i was trapped in a circle, a cyclic filth, yay!
and i cracked it with my two arms and two legs
then i got myself a rectangle: you believe me ha??
and i started to push it
slowly at first, then quickening
like lightning!
and as a i pushed my rectangle
with my two arms connected: a spear, cracking the edge of the geometrye
i, now a triangle, cutting like a knife
through the forests of the night
he he he!
ye, ye, ye:
no immortal hand or eye
could frame my fucked up symmetrye!
listen, listen!!!
and in the wake of my adversity
i left small blossoms of fire
burning the two sides of my triangle
amazing! delicious! tasty!
you hear the acrid smell of my hands?
you see the laughter in my mane?
aaaaaaah! haaaaaaaa!
the two sides consumed:
i stopped on top.

now i stand here, in the middle of this abyss:
a point.

and my impending shit will fall up to the firmament.

he he he...

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Question for a Champion

If, I,

Would put the words of

This sentence together

In a bundle, would

That make them

A poem?

Friday, May 9, 2008


i beg to differ:
equal people
love you equally
at the same time
t h e y p u llyour armsandpluckyoureyesoutofyoursocketsandleave
to rot
in your pool of blood.

Monday, April 28, 2008


a house:

a room:

a body:

a bed:

a book:

a look:

a mirror:

a fault:

a fear:

a tear:

a miss:

a lack:

a want:

a wait:

a star:

a far:

a s t a r:

a far :

a s t a r :

a far:

: : : : l o n e l i n e s s : : : :

a h y p e r s p a c e









Friday, April 11, 2008


rows and rows of cars
cooked under the sick yellow;

what a day, eh?

oh,there comes
a tiny, filthy fly
looking for a hazy shadow.

see, the green insect, at last,
picks a metallic surface, red hot...

as the fly rests its sticky legs
eagerly rubbing the back two,
suddenly emerges on the surface of its eyes
a thousand reflections of the
huge fat ass - of a salesman
showing off to his lone customer -
crushing its mass like a glue.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

flawless victory (or, a vision in a dream. a fragment.)

an unrelenting ache
beset me, my stomach
all the supposed remedies failed
boil! burn! churn!:
a battered, defeated ship
in an ocean of fire

then I wade through
the haze of pain
to reach the handle
of the sword from the
floating bundle my poor ancestor
gave me...

as I lifted the steel blue sword
hushed the body of water
in a split of a second
then the erect came down,
seperating the liquid
penetrating my meat --

oh the sweet surrender...
oh the echoes of evaporation...
all around me,
the fetid waters' destruction
all of a sudden --

then, from the chasm came out and down
singular pieces of rotten emotion:
cut! crushed! crunched!
on the ground tingling
like little worms
trying to reach their hidden holes.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


played in a lane
with two persons;
the trick is
to go through
the mist in the middle
without hurting
the other's soul.

the winner is the one
who tricks the other one
into believing that
holding her breath
while going through
keeps her soul.

the loser is the winner
keeping the other's soul
with a stale intake.